10 Tipps für die Gestaltung schöner und benutzerfreundlicher Websites

10 Tipps für die Gestaltung schöner und benutzerfreundlicher Websites
May 12, 2023

Website no-code builders have become the leading platforms offering users a fast and efficient way of designing and developing websites. Their use has seen a breakthrough in avoiding the different hurdles of designing websites with code through the traditional way.

Yet with any platform, there are always tips and tricks on how to perform even more efficiently and effectively, doing a better job and creating more beautiful products.

Steps to follow for designing effective websites

If you want to achieve great results, only designing casually isn’t enough, rather it is important to dedicate time and effort and come up with the best design by utilizing different tips and tricks so your website is not only visually appealing, but responsive and user-friendly as well.

To teach you some of those tricks, we chose to write this article, featuring 10 pieces of advice on how to operate better, and design beautiful user-friendly websites.

1. Utilize Responsive Design

Responsive design ensures that a website adapts to different screen sizes and devices, providing a seamless user experience across all platforms, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.

With more people accessing websites on mobile devices nowadays, responsive design is more important than ever. The lack of it may cause your website to not display correctly on certain devices. This results in a poor user experience, which can lead to high bounce rates and low engagement on your site.

Responsive website design - Webflow template Black - picture of the template on a laptop and mobile device
Webflow Template - Black

Webflow website builder, for instance, offers many responsive design features, including the ability to create breakpoints, hide and show elements based on device size, and preview the website on different devices. By utilizing these features, you can ensure that your website looks great on any device.

In addition to improving the user experience, responsive design can also improve your website's SEO. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search results, so having a responsive website can help you rank higher in search results and attract more traffic to your site.

2. Use whitespace effectively

Whitespace, or also known as negative space, is the empty space between text, images, and other design elements on a website. Using whitespace effectively can greatly improve the readability and usability of a website. It can help create a visual hierarchy, making important elements stand out and less important ones recede into the background. 

It also helps the users scan content more efficiently and gives the website a more aesthetically pleasing design, creating a sense of elegance and sophistication.

3. Keep typography consistent

Typography plays a vital role in establishing a brand identity and conveying information on a website. Consistent typography helps to maintain a cohesive look and feel across the website, making it easier for users to navigate and engage with the content. 

Typography - picture with different fonts

Using a limited number of fonts, maintaining consistent font sizes, colors, and spacing, and testing your typography on different devices and browsers are some essential tips on how to achieve consistency. 

4. Choose colors carefully

Choosing the right colors is a critical aspect of web design. The color combinations you select can literally make or break your design. The reason why colors matter so much is that they can evoke different emotions and create different atmospheres. They can also help draw attention to specific parts of a design or create balance and harmony.

A picture with multi-color umbrellas

Colors can also be used to generate visual interest and make certain elements stand out or blend together. They can have a significant impact on the user experience of a website, evoking emotions and influencing user behavior. Choosing the right colors can help you establish your brand identity and create a visually pleasing website.

5. Use high-quality images and videos

Visual content, including images and videos, plays a crucial role in engaging users and conveying information on a website. High-quality content captures visitors' attention, conveys professionalism, and enhances the user experience by breaking up text, and providing visual interest.

A high definition picture of a flower

It is important to have a dedicated graphic designer to create unique imagery for your brand, but if you still do not have the means to do that, you can download high quality images from free stock photo online platforms such as unsplash, pexels, etc.

6. Keep the navigation simple

A person navigating on a tablet

Simplicity is key when it comes to designing website navigation. A simple and clear navigation system ensures that visitors can easily find the information they need, resulting in a positive user experience.

To achieve this do the following:

  • Limit the number of menu items to a minimum and use descriptive labels to help visitors understand what they will find when they click on them. 
  • Consistency throughout the website is also crucial, put the menu items in the same order and location on each page. 
  • A search bar is also essential to make it easy for visitors to search for specific content or products on the website, be sure to include it.
  • Don’t insert too many links, they will distract your reader from the main content.

Keep in mind that a well-designed navigation system improves the user experience, increases engagement and reduces the bounce rates.

7. Optimize your website for speed

Website speed is a crucial factor in user experience, as slow loading times can lead to frustration and abandonment. Optimizing your website for speed can improve engagement, reduce bounce rates, and increase conversions.

Wedoflow.com pagespeed performance insights
Wedoflow website performance

According to a study, pages that load within one second have a bounce rate of 9% whereas that is increased to 38% if the loading speed reaches 5 seconds.

One of the main ways you can optimize your page speed, is compressing your images if you have large size pictures. Another thing you can do is substitute background videos for Gifs and switch to WebP images which are designed for faster speed times.

You can also minimize the use of unnecessary code and start removing any unused code to reduce the website's file size which will improve the website speed. 

8. Add animations and interactions

Animations can be a powerful tool in web design, as they have the ability to capture and hold a user's attention for an extended period. Whether it's a subtle hover effect or a more elaborate animation sequence, animations can add a layer of interactivity to a website and make it more engaging.

Webflow portfolio template – build from Wedoflow
Los Angeles Webflow Template Animation

As can be seen in the preview above, Webflow is a no-code platform example, whose animation and interaction design tools allow you to add custom animations and interactions to your website, including hover effects, scroll-based animations, and click interactions.

By using animations thoughtfully, web designers can guide users through a website, highlight important content, and create a memorable user experience. However, it's important to strike a balance and not overdo it with too many animations, as this can slow down page load times and negatively impact the user experience.

9. Incorporate user feedback

User feedback is essential for understanding how users interact with your website, identifying areas for improvement, and making informed design decisions. Incorporating user feedback can improve the user experience, increase engagement, and lead to better business results.

User feedback - a man with a laptop giving feedback

Whether through surveys, user testing, or other methods, incorporating user feedback can help ensure that a website stays current and relevant, meets the needs of its users, and ultimately drives business success.

10. Test your website thoroughly

Thorough testing is essential for ensuring that your website is functional, reliable, and easy to use. By testing your website thoroughly, you can identify and fix any issues before launching, ensuring a positive user experience and avoiding negative feedback.

One common issue that can arise is the occurrence of a broken link, also known as the 404 error. You need to make sure that when you delete or change the URL of a site to set up a 301 redirect. Although Google won't penalize you for broken links, it can create a frustrating experience for your website visitors. That’s why testing your website thoroughly is an important step in avoiding issues like this.


Designing a beautiful and user-friendly website is not just about the technical aspects and features. It's also about creating an enjoyable and memorable experience for your visitors. By taking the time to understand your audience's needs and preferences, you can design a website that resonates with them and keeps them coming back.

Utilizing responsive web design tools, effective use of whitespace, consistent typography, careful color selection, and other tips we mentioned, are all important factors in creating a successful website. By doing so, you'll not only create a beautiful website but also one that connects with your audience and makes a positive impact on their lives.

Lastly, staying informed about the latest web design trends 2023 and creating a web design style guide to provide consistency during the design process will take your website to the next level.

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